Yesterday was our first real break since arriving in Atlanta, so I finally had the chance to throw in my headphones, turn up my Bowling For Soup Pandora playlist (try it - it's my jam), and hit the pavement.
Getting out of the house (aka Alpha Delta Pi Memorial Headquarters. Still not used to the fact that I'm living here) by myself for the first time was refreshing. I explored the historic Druid Hills neighborhood which is absolutely beautiful - exactly how I imaged Georgia would be with big screen porches, columns, and sprawling lawns. I realized while I was running that this will be something I should get used to doing - popping in my headphones and spending some quality time with my Nike's is going to be a necessity while on the road.
Alpha Delta Pi Memorial Headquarters, aka home.
I've seriously hit the ground running here metaphorically as well, in terms of training. I'm locked and loaded with my LC swag (typing this post from my PiPad ask we speak) and It's been a whirlwind of ADPi policy and procedure. I've learned tons about the greater organization as well as my role in it - I won't bore you non-sistas with the details but know that this is a pretty cool organization and I'm dang proud to be apart of it. As if I didn't make that apparent enough, right? We also got a full tour of EO, and as all my Alpha Theta sisters know I was absolutely in awe of all of the artifacts in memory of Maxine Blake, fellow Alpha Theta and UW alumna and Grand President Emeritus of Alpha Delta Pi. Go Dawgs.
My PiPad, PiPhone, LC guard, official name tag, padfolio, and office supplies for the road. Not pictured - business cards and my very own ritual book. Nerd alert.
Just a few of the items in EO honoring Miss Blake.
Thankfully the LCs have had also had some (limited thus far) time to get out of the house as well. Rollin' in the Swaggin' Wagon and the Stow-'n-Go as we've affectionately named our two rental minivans, we've made a trip the ATL fast-food staple The Varsity, the local Publix (shopping for a family of 10 is no easy feat), Yeah! Burger and a few other fun spots.
Tomorrow we head to Macon, Georgia to take in even more ADPi history. I've also received my first visit schedule - come August 12 I'm headed to the Zeta Eta chapter at University of North Alabama! As a West Coast girl who's only connection to the Yellowhammer State is that Sweet Home Alabama is my favorite movie, you can bet I'm pretty excited. Hitting the ground running, one step at a time!