Tuesday, November 26, 2013

So You Think You Want To Be an LC?

In honor of the 2014-2015 Leadership Consultant applications being due in... 5 days (sorry, had to go count) I thought I'd share my portion of the combined '13-'14 LC blog post on the Alpha Delta Pi Blog.
My experience as an ADPi Leadership Consultant thus far has taught me more about myself in 6 short months than I ever thought possible. The biggest skills I've learned are:

Independence. Have you ever been transplanted from one coast to another to live on your own 3000 miles away from everything and everyone you're used to? Because of this job, I can now say I have. While it may sound terrifying, the thrill of getting to live in and learn about an entirely new part of the country is something I will cherish for the rest of my life. I have been forced out of my comfort zone on numerous occasions, and because of it I've learned I'm far more capable than I ever realized. 

Patience. Many aspects of daily life are no longer in your control when you are a Leadership Consultant - such as when you eat, where (and when) you sleep, how to get from point A to point B, etc. Having to rely on others to fulfill your needs is a true lesson in patience, and one that I've been grateful to receive. Through this job I've learned to not only be patient with myself but patient with my sisters too, and to trust that they will take care of me.

Sisterhood. I learned plenty about sisterhood as a collegiate member, as I'm sure all of you have, too. But what I have learned about sisterhood as a Leadership Consultant is that it reaches so much farther than I ever knew! Being able to show up on a random college campus and instantly feel comfortable with a room full of women I've never met is a true testament to the bonds of Alpha Delta Pi sisterhood we all share. I've found that I have things in common with women all across the United States, young and old, and the care and kindness they've shown me simply because we share the same letters reminds me every day that I couldn't be luckier to be a member of the first and the finest!

Applying to be an Alpha Delta Pi Leadership Consultant is easily one of the best decisions I made in my college career, second only to coming home to Alpha Delta Pi in the first place. This organization began changing my life the minute I joined, and I knew it was something I would never leave behind. Being a consultant will not only continue to change your life for the better, but allow you to change the lives of other sisters across the country as well - and what better job can you have than that?

Best of luck to this year's applicants! <>