Sunday, July 7, 2013

My take-off list

After all of the support I received after my blog post first debuting my Seattle bucket list, I decided I should provide an update on my progress post-graduation. With some prolonged thought on the subject, I have also hence decided that since I'm not planning on kicking the bucket any time soon, I will instead refer to this as my 'take-off list' - a list of things I'd like to do before my plane takes off for Hotlanta on the 22nd. (Those would be my official marching orders, for those of you I have not yet updated). I would also like to unveil a second portion of this list - the Portland edition! I've shared that I am a Portland native but definitely an adopted Seattleite, so it seemed only fitting that I create a dual list of must-dos. I've got two weeks, split between both locations, to check these off. And if you know me at all, you know what joy I get out of checking off lists...

- go to Dick's Drive-In for a vanilla milkshake
- run to Gas Works on a sunny day
- paddle board on Lake Union
- visit the Fremont Troll
- canoe at the WAC, possibly jump off the arboretum... DON'T QUOTE ME ON THIS
- go Pike Place Market and walk through the WHOLE thing
- try a new flavor of Molly Moon's *Full Tilt
- see a sunrise at Alki beach (and don't sprain my foot this time) *sunset.
- go to at least one more M's game. Pray that they win.
- drink my weight in coffee before I have to ship off to places where Starbucks isn't native tongue
- ride the ferry
- visit the UW columns by myself it wasn't by myself, but check out my senior pictures - it was well worth the company!
- see a really great concert

- Get my burn on at Kah-nee-ta
- Visit the Portland Saturday Market. Get a henna or some other hippie-inspired purchase
- Line-dance at Duke's (with all of Douglas' 21+ finest.. ooh boy)
- Eat a Voodoo Doughnut Salt & Straw is the new Voodoo. The hipsters told me so.
- Be painfully hip on Hawthorne
- Dbros. Lots and lots of Dbros.
- say good-bye to both of my favorite states at once from the top of Rocky Butte
- have a Ruby at Edgefield... or 5.

Two weeks, two cities, two lists to be taken care of. Care to join me?

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