Wednesday, August 7, 2013

An open letter to my friends, family, and followers

Leadership Consultant training comes to a close this week! Looking back at the post I composed at the beginning(ish) of this journey, I can see how much I have learned already. And I haven't even hit the road!

The LCs have been blessed to be trained by the best of the best ADPi International Officers and volunteers, and I truly want to thank each and every one of you for the knowledge you imparted upon us. You taught us more than you, and even we right now probably, know. One trainer in particular got my wheels turning as we discussed the implications this line of work will have on us as individuals, rather than just how we will impact the chapters, and she suggested that we write a letter to the people in our lives setting expectations for what the year ahead will look like. And so, here I go:

To my amazingly solid family, exciting and successful friends, and supportive random acquaintances,

I am sorry in advance for my behavior this year. I am sorry for the birthdays, anniversaries, and exciting life moments I miss, the lack of text messages and Facebook likes I won't compose on your behalf, and the general Missing In Action status I will take on. I apologize for not calling when I should, and for not being the friend/ daughter/ sister/ confidant that I hope I have proven myself to be in the past. I am so sorry for all of these things, but I sincerely hope that you can understand, and continue loving me despite my mistakes this year.

I ask that you keep loving me because I know that while I might not be the picture of steadfast support in the coming months, I am going to need that support from you, bad. I am going to be crossing countless state lines, tackling huge projects, cheering, presenting, crafting and coaching like my life depends on it (or my job, at least), and essentially pouring my heart and soul in to college women across the country. Therefore, I am going to need someone to pour in to me every so often.

I try not to be selfish when I say this, more just aware of my needs and willing to ask for them to be met - numero uno on my list of hopeful personal growth at the end of this wild ride! So when I finally do call you at 1 AM Eastern Time (it'll only be 10pm for most of you reading this, that's reasonable right?) in tears because my weekly report won't format quite right, I hope that you will meet me in the world I'm in but remind me that life goes on outside sorority. But just barely. ;)

Finally, THANK YOU. Thank you to each and every one of you for empowering me to believe that I could take on this job. The more I learn about it the more I wonder how I really landed it, but the more empowered I am to prove myself to be the consultant/ sister/ employee/ friend I know I can be.

Please keep me updated on you! Send me pictures, a letter or two wold be great (I will have a mailing address, ask me for it), and even if I don't always respond let me know what exciting things are happening in your life. I promise I still care just as much as ever. And if all else fails... shoot me a Snapchat.

With love,



  1. I'll let this do the talking.

  2. Love this. So glad you actually wrote a letter! I remember getting that advice last year.

    And of course, you can always call me. It will only be 10 p.m. here. :)

    1. I may take you up on that sometime! Thanks Megan :)

  3. This is so beautiful! I am so proud of you for writing this letter. You have nothing to prove and everything to gain as you start this amazing experience! Remember to shine brightly like the diamond you are, never forgetting how you got to where you are! Pi Love, Tracy

    1. Thank you Tracy! Thank you for the idea to write this - it felt great to do so. I'll do my best to keep all of those things in mind :) Pi love to you too, sister!

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