Sunday, August 11, 2013

East Coast Anthem

My August travel - EO to University of North Alabama, UNA to SHU, SHU home and then back again!

I realized this evening this is my last night of summer. 8 out of 10 of the LCs took to the skies for their first visits Saturday morning, but Morgan and I don't leave to our respective chapters until tomorrow A.M. Spending the weekend at EO just the two of us has been interesting (I was convinced the midnight misdial from the pizza man meant certain death) but the time to relax was much appreciated, and it was great to spend time with Morgan since we'll be doing a fair amount of that while on the road in September!

That's really the reason why I'm writing (though I'm certain you'd love to hear about the cumulative 2309432984209 hours I spent in front of the TV this weekend) - I'd like to share my travel schedule for the semester with you all. The fact that I have a semester's worth of schedule is telling in itself, as ADPi consultants usually recieve our scheudles on a monthly basis. But I, drum roll please... will be the resident consultant at Sacred Heart University this fall semester!

Sacred Heart University, affectionately called SHU (pronounced 'shoe') as I've learned, is located in Fairfield, Connecticut. As a resident consultant I will be living nearby SHU, and assisting the women of the Theta Rho chapter in their first semester post-installation. I will be there with Theta Rho through many of their firsts, such as their first recruitment (when Morgan will be joining me, thank goodness for her back of house expertise), first initiation, first Lion Share Challenge philanthropy event, and so many more. I truly cannot wait to see these women grow and come in to their own as an established chapter of Alpha Delta Pi.

So friends, looks like this West Coast girl is switching coasts and going Northeastern until December! If I even tried to pretend I knew what was in store I would be kidding myself, so I'll just say I am looking forward to a semester of personal firsts, as well. First time living on my own is probably the biggest - considering I'm the girl who put dish soap in the dishwasher and created enough suds to throw my own foam party, this should be interesting. Cross your fingers for me.

All kidding aside I am excited for this phase of my journey this year. Having the ability to put down roots, though temporary, is a blessing and I look forward to the relationships I will be able to create. I hope that I will have a lasting impact on the chapter Theta Rho will become, and I am certain they will have a lasting impact on me. The next six months are going to be a great time of learning - about people, about myself, about life and about this great organization that I have dedicated my year to. 

And finally, if you have any connections near Connecticut let me know... I'm gonna need some friends.

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you to meet the women of Theta Rho! Tell them I say hi. :) Also, I see you're using TripIt? (From the map.) Great app! It's a lifesaver.
