8 states.
7 Universities.
2 Spirit Weeks, 2 Initiations, 1 Formal Recruitment, 1 Lion Share Challenge, 1 Expansion Presentation.
A heck of a lot of laughs, tears, sleepless nights and amazing sisters.
And, with that, Semester 1 of this crazy adventure has come to a close. And pretty soon 2013 will be taking its final bows as well! It's crazy to think that a year that has brought me so much - college graduation, first big girl job, new cities and new relationships - is almost over. As I get ready to start a year of intense travel (no more being 'parked' for this consultant - I'm on the road like Jack Kerouac! anyone? Bueller?) I thought it only fitting that I reflect on the chapters I was blessed to visit in the fall semester of 2013.
Zeta Eta - University of North Alabama, Florence, Alabama.
I had never experienced true Southern hospitality until I met the women of Zeta Eta. As soon as I was greeted at the teeeeny tiny Muscle Shoals airport by the (equally teeny tiny) Chapter President Luisa, I knew a little piece of my heart was going to stay with the sisters of Zeta Eta. Always quick to attend to my every need (maybe too much so - I swear I gained 10 pounds that visit), these sisters calmed my nerves about embarking on my first chapter visit and showed me the meaning of feeling #ADPiFamous.
Theta Theta - Quinnipeac University, Hamden, Connecticut.
If ever a consultant needed a dream chapter visit, Theta Theta would be the sisterhood to call. I was never actually scheduled to visit Quinnipeac, but being just 30 minutes down the road from my home at Sacred Heart these ladies quickly made it their mission to see that I was welcomed to Connecticut in true ADPi style. From Starbucks deliveries to invitations to impeccable chapter functions I can't say enough about the class and poise the sisters of Theta Theta possess. These women are a true testament to what can be accomplished within this organization with hard work, dedication, and great leadership. I feel #SOblessed to know them.
Eta Omicron - Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, Connecticut.
I only spent a quick two days in Danbury, but two days was all it took to see the true sisterhood of Eta Omicron. I love ADPi's initiation ceremony, but experiencing the ritual with these women was especially moving. This chapter has grown leaps and bounds recently, but through it all they haven't lost their close-knit bond. These ladies are true problem solvers and thier desire to honor our organization's ritual is something we should all strive to.
Theta Sigma - West Chester University, West Chester, Pennsylvania.
I had the opportunity to visit the now Theta Sigma chapter juuuuust before they were officially initiated and installed. This visit helped me to remember what a blessing it is to be a member of Alpha Delta Pi - they were so full of excitement to call their new sisterhood their own, and they made the tasks we LCs take for granted, like scouting a social locations and deciding t-shirt colors, feel like a treat. They also took me to an Amish Smorgasbord (aka buffet) and I saw my first real-life horse and buggy, so what's not to love?
Future UPenn Colony - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Future UPenn Colony - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Going to Philly and the University of Pennsylvania felt a little bit like coming home to me. I was greeted by two of my fellow Sisters of the Suitcase, Katie and Katherine, the first contact I'd had with my peers in quite some time. I instantly fell in love with UPenn with its old brick yet urban campus, diverse student population, and air of intelligence because it reminded me so. much. of UW (GO DAWGS!) It was also refreshing to have a creative outlet and get to work on a project that was our own, rather than serving in the usual role of outside advisor. I can't wait to get back in January to kick-off colony recruitment! And eat Distrito tacos, of course.
Theta Rho - Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut.
Theta Rho - Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut.
Ah, Theta Rho. I saved these special ladies for last because I don't know if I can keep my outpouring of love at a reasonable length. If you had told me last Spring that I would be living in Connecticut and working at a small private Catholic school with a brand new ADPi chapter, I probably would have thought you were crazy. And then I would have asked you where exactly Connecticut was. (New England was always one giant blob to me - sorryi'mnotsorry, you guys call Oregon 'Or-Eh-Gone"). Picking up and moving to the East Coast all by myself (sing it with me) was scary, unexpected, sometimes weird and all the times exciting. Whereas some consultants give chapters their start, I felt like I was able to give this chapter their wings. It was a true lesson in taking the backseat, not needing the glory, and for all intensive purposes, being a stage mom. It was my job to teach the women how to function as an ADPi chapter, but the most rewarding times were when I got to talk with sisters about what it meant to be an ADPi woman. I want to thank each and every sister for all they taught me, the smiles in the hallway, the quick chats in Hawley, the lunch or dinner dates, and the times you treated me as more than a Leadership Consultant but a friend. It meant more to me than you knew.
In preciesly 32 hours I'll be ringing in the New Year in Seattle with some of my greatest friends, and prepareing to say see you later to my home life and hello again to consultant life. If this December has been any indication, 2014 should be a darn good year and I can't wait for what is in store. Keep up with me in January and February as I continue my tour of the (mostly) East Coast, and make visits to:
Theta Nu - Christopher Newport University, Newport News, Virginia
UPenn Colony - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
a short stint at ADPi Executive Office in Atlanta, Georgia...
Epsilon Pi - Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georiga
Eta Lambda - Albright College, Reading, Pennsylvania
Epsilon Omicron - Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
District III District Leadership Conference in New Jersey
Epsilon Chi - Longwood University, Farmville, Virginia
1 semester down, 1 to go!
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